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Writer's pictureEdward D. Andrews

Exploring the Depths of Genesis 1:1-2: Is There a Gap in the Creation Account?

Updated: Apr 8


The opening verses of Genesis have sparked considerable debate and interpretation among scholars, theologians, and believers. The "Gap Theory," a notable interpretation, suggests a significant time lapse between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2. This theory, along with other interpretations like the New Age belief in Atlantis, warrants a thorough examination from a conservative, non-literal-day creationist standpoint.

The Gap Theory: A Historical Overview

Origins and Development

The Gap Theory, also known as "Ruin-Reconstruction," posits that an indeterminate period, possibly millions of years, exists between the initial creation of the heavens and the earth (Genesis 1:1) and the subsequent condition of the earth being "without form and void" (Genesis 1:2). This theory emerged as a reconciliation between the biblical creation account and geological findings suggesting an ancient earth.

Scriptural Basis

Proponents of the Gap Theory often cite other biblical passages, such as Isaiah 45:18, which states that God did not create the earth "in vain" (Hebrew: tohu), aligning with the description of the earth in Genesis 1:2 as "without form" (tohu). This is interpreted to imply a subsequent act of destruction leading to the earth's desolate state.

Alternative Interpretations: New Age and Atlantis

Edgar Cayce's Teachings

Edgar Cayce, known for his psychic readings and New Age philosophies, presented a unique interpretation by linking the gap in Genesis to the rise and fall of Atlantis. He proposed that the "chaos and darkness" in Genesis 1:2 were the result of Atlantis's destruction, and the spirits of its inhabitants later occupied the bodies of Adam and Eve.

Critique from a Biblical Standpoint

While intriguing, Cayce's Atlantis theory diverges significantly from traditional biblical interpretation. It introduces elements foreign to the biblical text and relies heavily on extra-biblical, speculative sources.

Examining the Viability of the Gap Theory

Theological and Scientific Considerations

The Gap Theory attempts to harmonize the Genesis account with scientific evidence for an ancient earth. However, it raises theological questions about the nature of creation, the introduction of sin and death before Adam, and the timeline of Satan's fall.

Linguistic Analysis of Genesis 1:1-2

A close examination of the Hebrew text of Genesis 1:1-2 does not necessarily support a gap. The construction of the verses and the usage of the Hebrew terms "tohu" and "bohu" (formless and void) can also be interpreted as an initial stage in a continuous act of creation.

Theological Implications of the Gap Theory

Impact on Original Sin and Death

If a cataclysmic event occurred between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2, as the Gap Theory suggests, it implies the existence of sin and death before Adam's fall. This contradicts the Pauline theology that death entered the world through Adam's sin (Romans 5:12).

Reconciliation with Non-Literal Day Creationism

As a conservative scholar who does not adhere to a literal 24-hour day creation, the Gap Theory provides an alternative understanding of the Genesis account that aligns with an old earth view. However, it must be carefully weighed against the entirety of biblical teaching and scientific evidence.


Evaluating the Gap Theory and Atlantis Belief

While the Gap Theory presents an interesting perspective on the Genesis creation account, it is not without its theological and exegetical challenges. The New Age interpretation involving Atlantis, though culturally fascinating, departs significantly from orthodox biblical understanding.

Upholding Biblical Authority and Interpretation

In exploring Genesis 1:1-2, it is crucial to maintain a commitment to the authority of Scripture and sound hermeneutical principles. Interpretations like the Gap Theory and the Atlantis hypothesis should be scrutinized in light of the entirety of Scripture, theological coherence, and scientific evidence.

The exploration of Genesis 1:1-2 reveals the complexities of interpreting ancient texts in light of modern understanding. While theories like the Gap Theory and Atlantis belief offer interesting perspectives, they underscore the importance of a balanced approach that respects both the integrity of the biblical text and the realities of the natural world.

How Long Did It Take for God to Create the Universe?

The Bible's narrative about the creation of the universe does not explicitly state the duration of this monumental event. The general assertion that God created "the heavens and the earth" leaves the timeframe and methods open to interpretation. This ambiguity challenges the belief, held by some fundamentalists and creationists, that the universe was created in six literal 24-hour days—a view that is at odds with scientific understanding and a more nuanced reading of the biblical text.

Contrary to the assertions of these groups, the Bible itself does not definitively endorse the idea of 24-hour creative days. It's important to recognize that the term "day" in the Bible is used flexibly, often referring to time periods of unspecified or variable lengths. The Genesis account of creation exemplifies this usage, suggesting that each of the six "days" of creation could span much longer periods, possibly even thousands of years.

It's worth noting that according to the biblical narrative, the universe, including an inanimate Earth, was already in existence at the start of the first creative day. This implies that the six "creative days" were extended periods during which God methodically prepared Earth to be a suitable home for humanity.

From this perspective, the biblical account of creation does not necessarily contradict scientific findings regarding the age of the universe. The interpretation of the creation days as extended periods aligns more closely with scientific evidence while remaining faithful to the essence of the biblical narrative.

About the Author

EDWARD D. ANDREWS (AS in Criminal Justice, BS in Religion, MA in Biblical Studies, and MDiv in Theology) is the CEO and President of Christian Publishing House. He has authored more than 220 books and is the Chief Translator of the Updated American Standard Version (UASV).



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