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Writer's pictureEdward D. Andrews

The Miracle You Can Hold In Your Hand That Proves God's Existence

Updated: Sep 15

The Miracle of the Bible: A Testament to Divine Inspiration

The Bible is more than just a book. It is a rich library of 66 books, some short and some quite long, containing law, prophecy, history, poetry, counsel, and much more. Centuries before the birth of Christ, the first 39 of these books were written—mostly in the Hebrew language—by faithful Jews, or Israelites. This part is called the Old Testament. The last 27 books were written in Greek by Christians and are known as the New Testament. According to internal evidence and the most ancient traditions, these 66 books were written over a period of about 1,600 years, beginning when Egypt was a dominant power and ending when Rome was mistress of the world. 66 books written over a 1,600-year period by 40+ authors from many different backgrounds (fishermen, a general [Joshua], a tax collector, shepherds, a physician, etc.), in three different languages, in many dozens of cultures and times, and it covers thousands of geographical or geological entries that are correct, there are many dozens of prophecies that came true, the authors knew things that would be beyond human knowledge, when the book not a science book touches on science hundreds of years before humans knew the Bible author knew, it never contradicts itself, there are no mistakes or errors in the originals, critical text, or very good literal translations. And when those books are all put together, they make one book.

Statistical Improbabilities: Evidence of the Divine

Consider the statistical improbability of 66 books written by over 40 authors from different backgrounds, across 1,600 years, in three languages, forming a coherent, consistent narrative without contradictions. The probability of this occurring by chance is astronomically low. If we conservatively estimate the probability of each book aligning perfectly with the others at 1 in 1,000 (0.001), the combined probability of all 66 books aligning is 1 in 10^198. This staggering number, far beyond the total number of atoms in the observable universe (approximately 10^80), underscores the implausibility of human endeavor alone achieving this. Such statistical improbability compellingly points to divine orchestration, making the Bible's coherence a profound evidence of God's involvement.

The Bible's unique composition defies statistical probability. The chances of 66 books written over 1,600 years by more than 40 authors from various backgrounds and in different languages forming a coherent, non-contradictory narrative are astronomically low. To illustrate, consider the following aspects:

Diverse Authors: The Bible's authors include kings, peasants, philosophers, fishermen, poets, statesmen, scholars, and shepherds. These individuals wrote from different contexts and perspectives, yet their writings harmoniously align. This unity is akin to asking 40 people from various walks of life today to write a series of books that not only complement each other but also form a cohesive whole.

Time Span: Spanning 1,600 years, the Bible's continuity is unparalleled. During this period, empires rose and fell, languages evolved, and cultures changed. Despite these variables, the Bible maintains a consistent message and purpose.

Prophecies Fulfilled: The Bible contains numerous prophecies that have been fulfilled with remarkable accuracy. For instance, prophecies concerning the fall of Babylon (Isaiah 13:19), the destruction of Tyre (Ezekiel 26:3-14), and the details of the Messiah's life and death (Isaiah 53) were written centuries before their fulfillment. The statistical probability of these prophecies being fulfilled by chance is extraordinarily low, further supporting the Bible's divine origin.

Scientific Foreknowledge: The Bible, though not a science textbook, contains scientific truths that were unknown at the time of writing. For example, the book of Isaiah mentions the "circle of the earth" (Isaiah 40:22) long before the concept of a round earth was widely accepted. Similarly, the laws of quarantine and sanitation given in Leviticus align with modern medical knowledge, showcasing an understanding that transcends the scientific knowledge of the time.

Geographical Accuracy: The Bible references numerous geographical locations with precision. Archaeological discoveries have repeatedly confirmed the existence of these places, validating the Bible's historical accuracy. The accuracy is significant, given the vast number of locations and the timespan over which they were documented.

Consistency Without Contradiction: Despite being written over centuries by various authors, the Bible does not contradict itself. This internal consistency is statistically improbable. In contrast, consider the discrepancies and contradictions found in historical accounts of events written by multiple contemporary authors.

The Bible vs. Modern Classrooms

To illustrate the statistical improbability further, imagine a modern scenario. Suppose a psychology or history class of 30 students is asked to write answers to 30 questions after completing a course. The likelihood of these students providing consistent, non-contradictory answers is exceedingly low. Discrepancies, misunderstandings, and varying interpretations would result in numerous contradictions and errors. Yet, the Bible, composed over millennia by numerous authors, achieves a level of coherence and consistency that defies natural explanation.

The Bible's composition, prophetic accuracy, scientific foreknowledge, and geographical precision collectively point to its divine inspiration. The statistical improbability of these factors aligning so perfectly in a human-authored document underscores the Bible's miraculous nature. It stands as a testament to the divine, providing evidence that transcends human capabilities.

Additional Evidence

The more we delve into the intricacies of the Bible, the more we uncover its divine fingerprints:

Historical Validation: Numerous archaeological discoveries have corroborated the historical accounts detailed in the Bible. From the ruins of Jericho to the ancient city of Nineveh, archaeological evidence supports the Bible's historical narrative.

Manuscript Evidence: The Bible is unparalleled in the number and preservation of its manuscripts. With over 5,800 Greek New Testament manuscripts and thousands more in other languages, the Bible's textual integrity is well-supported. No other ancient document comes close to this level of manuscript evidence.

Literary Excellence: The Bible's literary quality is remarkable. Its diverse genres, from poetry to prophecy, historical narrative to epistolary literature, display a literary unity and richness that has influenced countless works of art, literature, and culture throughout history.

In conclusion, the Bible is indeed a miracle you can hold in your hand. Its statistical improbability, combined with its historical, prophetic, and scientific accuracy, provides compelling evidence of its divine origin. The Bible's coherence, despite being written over 1,600 years by more than 40 authors, is a testament to its miraculous nature. This extraordinary compilation stands as a beacon of divine truth, guiding believers and challenging skeptics to recognize the hand of the divine in its pages.

The Battle for the Bible's Survival

Throughout history, the Bible has faced relentless attacks aimed at its destruction, yet it has survived, underscoring its divine preservation. From the earliest attempts to kill its authors to modern efforts to undermine its authority, the Bible's endurance is nothing short of miraculous.

The story begins with Moses, the first author of the Bible. From his infancy, there were attempts to kill him. Pharaoh ordered the death of all Hebrew male infants, but Moses was miraculously saved and later chosen by Jehovah to lead His people and write the Law (Exodus 1:22; 2:1-10). This early attempt to stifle God's word was just the beginning.

Centuries later, during the reign of wicked kings and foreign rulers, manuscripts of the Scriptures were destroyed. The Assyrian and Babylonian invasions led to the loss of many sacred texts. Roman emperors like Diocletian issued edicts to burn all copies of the Scriptures, yet the Bible survived through the efforts of faithful believers who risked their lives to hide and preserve the sacred writings.

The Catholic Church, during the Middle Ages, kept the Bible locked away in Latin, a language inaccessible to the common people. Translators who dared to make the Bible available in vernacular languages, such as John Wycliffe and William Tyndale, were persecuted and executed. Tyndale, in particular, was strangled and burned at the stake for translating the Bible into English. His last words, "Lord, open the king of England's eyes," reflected his hope for broader access to God's Word.

The 19th and 20th centuries brought the rise of higher criticism, where scholars sought to dissect the Bible with a skeptical eye, treating it more as a work of man than the divine Word of God. This movement sought to undermine the Bible's authority and reliability, turning many away from its truths.

In the mid-20th century, the proliferation of interpretive translations began to dilute the Bible's message. These translations often strayed from the original texts, incorporating the translators' interpretations and biases, thus watering down the pure message of Scripture. Moreover, textual scholars in the late 20th century onwards have increasingly focused on academic pursuits rather than the primary goal of textual criticism: discovering the original words of the biblical manuscripts. This shift has led to debates and uncertainty, further complicating the understanding of the Bible's true message.

Despite these attacks, the Bible endures. Its preservation through centuries of persecution and attempts at eradication is a testament to its divine origin and the protection of Jehovah. The Bible's survival against all odds is a powerful reminder of its enduring truth and the unwavering commitment of those who have safeguarded it throughout history. An estimated 5 billion Bibles have been produced since the first century CE.

Discover the truth about miracles and their significance. Learn why they are important today. Explore historical evidence and modern views.

About the Author

EDWARD D. ANDREWS (AS in Criminal Justice, BS in Religion, MA in Biblical Studies, and MDiv in Theology) is CEO and President of Christian Publishing House. He has authored over 220+ books. In addition, Andrews is the Chief Translator of the Updated American Standard Version (UASV).



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