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Writer's pictureEdward D. Andrews

Understanding the True Significance of Azazel in Leviticus 16:4–10

Updated: Apr 8


Leviticus 16:4-10 presents a ritual that was central to Israelite worship on the Day of Atonement, involving two goats: one for Jehovah and the other for Azazel. This passage has been subject to various interpretations, especially concerning the identity and symbolic meaning of Azazel. This analysis aims to offer a clear understanding of this scripture, grounded in a conservative, literal approach to biblical interpretation.

Etymology and Identity of Azazel

The term "Azazel" has sparked debates regarding its etymology and meaning. The most straightforward interpretation from the Hebrew text is "Goat That Disappears," derived from 'ez,' meaning goat, and 'azal,' meaning to disappear. This interpretation aligns with the role of the goat in the ritual, which involves carrying away the sins of the people.

The Ritual of the Two Goats

On the Day of Atonement, two goats were chosen: one sacrificed to Jehovah and the other, the Azazel goat, was kept alive. The live goat symbolically bore the sins of the people, transferred through the high priest's confession. It was then led into the wilderness, signifying the removal of sins from the community.

Theological Significance

The two goats together represent a complete sin offering, emphasizing God's provision for atonement. The first goat's death symbolizes the penalty for sin, satisfying divine justice. The second goat's release illustrates the removal of sin, embodying God's mercy and forgiveness.

Azazel in Christian Theology

In Christian theology, the Azazel goat is seen as a type of Christ's work on the cross. Just as the goat bore the sins of the people and removed them, Christ took upon Himself the sins of humanity and provided ultimate atonement. This typology aligns with Isaiah 53:4-5 and 1 Peter 2:24, portraying Jesus as the bearer and remover of our transgressions.

Misinterpretations and Clarifications

Some interpretations have erroneously attributed to Azazel demonic or mythical characteristics. However, such views deviate from the scriptural context, which presents Azazel as part of a symbolic ritual, not as an entity. The focus is on the act of atonement and sin removal, not on the goat itself as a supernatural being.


Leviticus 16:4-10 demonstrates God's comprehensive plan for dealing with sin, combining justice with mercy. The dual aspects of the sin offering, represented by the two goats, are fulfilled in Christ's sacrificial death and His victory over sin. Understanding Azazel in its proper context helps us appreciate the depth and completeness of divine redemption as presented in the Bible.

Notes on Interpretation

  • The interpretation of Azazel should be consistent with the overall theology of the Old Testament and align with the principles of redemption as revealed in the New Testament.

  • Any interpretation that assigns supernatural or demonic attributes to Azazel is outside the realm of conservative, biblical exegesis.

  • The emphasis should be on the ritual's role in illustrating God's method for atonement, rather than on speculative theories about Azazel's identity.

This analysis offers a thorough examination of the Azazel concept in Leviticus 16:4–10, rooted in a literal, conservative approach to scripture. It highlights the importance of understanding Old Testament rituals in light of New Testament fulfillment, particularly in the person and work of Jesus Christ.

About the author

EDWARD D. ANDREWS (AS in Criminal Justice, BS in Religion, MA in Biblical Studies, and MDiv in Theology) is CEO and President of Christian Publishing House. He has authored over 220+ books. In addition, Andrews is the Chief Translator of the Updated American Standard Version (UASV).





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