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Writer's pictureEdward D. Andrews

Why Could Jesus Tell a Woman Who Was Known to Be a Sinner That Her Sins Were Forgiven?—Luke 7:37, 48

The account of Jesus forgiving the sins of a woman who lived a sinful life, as recounted in Luke 7:37, 48, raises profound questions about the nature of forgiveness and the authority of Christ. The ability to forgive sins is a divine prerogative, yet Jesus, speaking with the full weight of divine authority, assures this woman, "Your sins are forgiven." To understand the basis upon which Jesus could pronounce such a momentous declaration, we must examine the theological foundations of Jesus' identity, His mission, and the historical context of this pronouncement.

Jesus' Divine Identity

The scriptures present Jesus Christ not merely as a rabbi or prophet, but as God manifested in the flesh (John 1:1,14). This core tenet is fundamental to comprehending how Jesus could forgive sins. Since sin is ultimately an offense against God, only God has the inherent right to forgive those sins. By claiming the authority to forgive, Jesus was demonstrating His divine status, effectively equating Himself with God, which did not go unnoticed by the religious leaders of the time (Mark 2:7).

The Mission of Redemption

Jesus' mission was to seek and to save the lost (Luke 19:10), which involved healing not just physical ailments but addressing the deeper malady of sin. The forgiveness of sins is integral to the redemptive work of Christ, culminating in His sacrificial death on the cross and His resurrection, which provides the means for humanity's reconciliation with God (Ephesians 1:7).

Historical and Cultural Context

In the Jewish context of the first century, sin and its forgiveness were tied to the temple, sacrifices, and the priesthood. Jesus' pronouncement of forgiveness outside of these established means was revolutionary and pointed to the new covenant He would institute—a covenant where forgiveness would be available to all through faith in Him (Jeremiah 31:31-34; Matthew 26:28).

Jesus' Authority Challenged and Vindicated

Jesus' authority to forgive sins was challenged by the religious authorities. However, His ability to heal physical infirmities served as a visible vindication of His authority in the spiritual realm (Mark 2:10). The miracle that accompanied the forgiveness of the woman known as a sinner in Luke 7 acted as a sign of the authenticity of Jesus' authority to forgive sins.

Theological Implications of Forgiveness

The forgiveness offered by Jesus in this instance, as in others, was not merely a pardon for past wrongs but also a transformative empowerment to live a new life in accordance with God's will. This transformative aspect is critical to understanding the holistic salvation Jesus came to bring, which encompasses both forgiveness and sanctification.


Jesus' pronouncement of forgiveness to the woman known for her sinful life is undergirded by His divine identity, His redemptive mission, and His fulfillment of Old Testament prophecy concerning the new covenant. His authority to forgive sins was an assertion of His deity and a demonstration of the grace that would be fully realized through His atoning work on the cross. In declaring this woman's sins forgiven, Jesus was not merely absolving her of guilt but was also inviting her into a new way of life, characterized by freedom from sin's power and the restoration of fellowship with God. This account stands as a testament to the profound mercy and grace available to all who seek forgiveness in Jesus Christ, the one who has the authority to forgive sins because He is the Son of God, the Savior of the world.


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