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Writer's pictureEdward D. Andrews

The Nature of Justifying Faith

Justifying faith, as articulated in key biblical passages like Romans 8:34, Romans 5:1, and Genesis 15:6 is a foundational concept in Christian theology. This type of faith is not merely about belief; it's about a faith that justifies or declares righteous a person before God.

Definition of Justifying Faith

Justifying faith involves placing one's trust and confidence in Jesus Christ and His redemptive work. It is the means by which individuals are justified, or made right, in the eyes of God. This justification is not based on any human merit or work, but solely on Christ’s sacrifice and righteousness.

Biblical Examples of Justifying Faith

Abraham is often cited as a prime example of justifying faith (Genesis 15:6). He believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness. In the New Testament, Paul extensively discusses justification by faith, emphasizing that it is through faith in Christ that believers are justified (Romans 5:1).

The Role of Christ in Justifying Faith

The central focus of justifying faith is the person and work of Jesus Christ. His death and resurrection are the basis upon which believers are justified. Romans 8:34 highlights Christ's role as the one who died, was raised, and now intercedes for us, underscoring the total sufficiency of His work for our justification.

The Impact of Justifying Faith on the Believer

Justifying faith brings about a fundamental change in the believer's status before God. From a state of condemnation, the believer is brought into a state of grace and favor with God. This change is immediate and complete, and it marks the beginning of a new life in Christ.

Justifying Faith and Sanctification

While justifying faith concerns a believer's legal status before God, it also initiates the process of sanctification – the gradual growth in holiness. Justifying faith is thus both a moment of judicial change and the starting point for a lifelong journey of being conformed to the image of Christ.

Justifying faith is a critical aspect of Christian theology, signifying the believer's acceptance by God based solely on faith in Jesus Christ. It marks the beginning of the Christian life, transforming the believer's standing before God and initiating the process of sanctification. Understanding this concept is vital for grasping the full depth and impact of faith in the Christian journey.

About the Author

EDWARD D. ANDREWS (AS in Criminal Justice, BS in Religion, MA in Biblical Studies, and MDiv in Theology) is CEO and President of Christian Publishing House. He has authored over 220+ books. In addition, Andrews is the Chief Translator of the Updated American Standard Version (UASV).


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