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Writer's pictureEdward D. Andrews

Varieties of Divine Communication in Biblical Inspiration

The process by which biblical authors received divine direction is multifaceted, encompassing various methods God used to convey His messages. These methods ensured the accurate transmission of divine revelation, contributing to the inspired nature of the Scriptures.

Direct Divine Dictation and Written Revelation

In some instances, God directly dictated His words to the writers. A prime example is the Ten Commandments given to Moses (Exodus 31:18; Deuteronomy 10:1-5). Here, the information was supplied in written form, requiring Moses to copy it onto scrolls. Similarly, other prophets and writers received verbal dictation from God, as seen in instances where God instructed Moses to write specific words (Exodus 34:27).

Dreams and Visions as Vehicles of Revelation

Dreams and visions were also common methods of divine communication. Dreams, or night visions, imprinted God's messages onto the minds of the recipients during sleep (Daniel 2:19; 7:1). Visions, on the other hand, occurred while the individual was conscious, impressing revelation pictorially upon the mind (Ezekiel 1:1; Daniel 8:1; Revelation 9:17). Some visions were received during trances, where the receiver was completely absorbed by the vision (Acts 10:9-17; 11:5-10; 22:17-21).

The Role of Angelic Messengers

Angelic messengers played a significant role in transmitting divine messages. While the Law given to Moses is presented as spoken by God, Stephen and Paul indicate that angels were involved in its transmission (Acts 7:53; Galatians 3:19). These messages, delivered by angels in Jehovah’s name, were rightly regarded as “the word of Jehovah” (Genesis 22:11-18; Zechariah 1:7-9).

Consistency Across Varied Means of Revelation

Despite the diversity in the means of communication, all parts of the Scriptures maintain the same divine quality, being inspired or “God-breathed.” The variety of methods underscores the dynamic nature of God’s communication with humanity, ensuring that His messages were accurately and effectively conveyed to and through the biblical writers.


The process of inspiration, involving direct dictation, dreams, visions, and angelic messengers, illustrates the depth and richness of divine communication in the Bible. These varied methods ensured that the Scriptures were not just human compositions but divinely orchestrated revelations, preserving the integrity and authority of God’s Word.

About the Author

EDWARD D. ANDREWS (AS in Criminal Justice, BS in Religion, MA in Biblical Studies, and MDiv in Theology) is CEO and President of Christian Publishing House. He has authored over 220+ books. In addition, Andrews is the Chief Translator of the Updated American Standard Version (UASV).



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